Y'know, it's really easy to ruin your life if you think about it
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Age 15
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Posted by Heatwave679-OR10 - 3 weeks ago
Y'know, it's really easy to ruin your life if you think about it
@Heatwave679-OR10 When I said "combined set of events at a precise moment" I meant things that allow acts, words etc. that will ruin you to become a reality. I don't know if I explained myself better.
I would never do the things you mentioned simply because I have an extremely strong moral compass, or Super-Ego if we want to use Freudian terms, that thankfully prevent me doing so.
Ah I see, thank you. Also, I said don't do it, because in my mind, it sounded to myself like I was trying to persuade you to doing it, which is not what I wanted.
Yeah, I agree. Sometimes even a combined set of events at a precise moment can trigger the condition to ruin our life.
That's not what I mean. You could just insult everyone in your family, beat up your boss or teachers, steal, and go to jail, and it wouldn't be that hard. Not saying you should, don't do this, just that it wouldn't be hard.