Hey @TeffyD!
I found out about you from my friend Nirgum
This songs is casual, its alright!
Hey @TeffyD!
I found out about you from my friend Nirgum
This songs is casual, its alright!
I seriously can't remember where I first heard this
Man it was a while ago
This feels so nostalgic and really provokes feelings
I absolutely loved and love and will love every part of it throughout the known universe and until the end of time.
Wait no remove that ^period, it means there will be an end which i just said there will not be
hey wait Killerddc was here
Omga (Lightbulb from II quote)
s o m e o f t h e m o s t c u n n i n g a n d n o t o r i o u s c r i m i n a l s a r e k e p t h e r e
This is actually really cool, and brings back so many memories. It feels so nostalgic, and really feels "minecrafty" but in its own special way and i only listened to 1 minute as time of wringting this.
It's not been 1:46, and this just sounds AMAZING with the wind like i could listen forever. And that stringy thing idk whats called. I think you should make more of these! I bet they would sound absolutely. There's one I have in mind, but I'm just not sure what its called.
I love this rise at 3:00 and That fall at 3:25 just so yes yes. And the ending fits perfeclty well.
Video Game Music Artist and Certified Quack at your Service!
Age 15
Dimension Taveler
Dimension H-679 (FREE!)
Joined on 5/25/23